The approved name of an businessenterprise group may be used for propaganda or advertising, but the concerned parties may not conclude any economic contract or be engaged in any businessenterprise activity in the name of the businessenterprise group. 经核准的企业集团名称可以在宣传和广告中使用,但不得以企业集团名义订立经济合同,从事经营活动。
There have been complaints on cases of falsely advertising facilities, furniture, appliances transfer, but is not mentioned in the contract, as well as consumers purchase and critically inaccurate. 投诉案例中就出现过广告中假称家具家电设施转让,却在合同中不加注明,以至消费者购房与看房不实。
Advertising costs are born equally by both partners of this contract. 广告费用由本契约的双方当事人平均分担。
The advertising agency secured the contract on the back of their previous successful campaigns. 广告公司因先前一系列广告活动获得成功而取得该项合同。
The specifications contained in our public communications such as catalogues, leaflets, circulars, advertisements, illustrations, advertising campaigns and price lists relating to characteristics only speak to the condition of the product if they have been incorporated into the contract. 如果合同提及我方公共通讯(如目录、传单、通知、广告、图示、广告公司和价格表)中所包含的关于特性的说明,则这些说明仅表明产品的状况。
Appointed Page: Clients need to pay extra fifteen percent of total sum for the assigned advertising page after signing the contract. 指定页面:客户于合约签订后,须额外负担总金额百分之十五的费用。
This thesis discusses elementarily on the basic questions on advertising contract, including the concepts, characters and classifications on advertisement contract, which is to arouse more scholars 'attention so that turning advertisement contract into typical contract in future legislation. 本文试对广告合同的基本问题,包括广告合同的概念、特征、分类及各种类型的广告合同进行初步的探讨,以期抛砖引玉,引起更多学者关注,促进广告合同在未来立法中成为典型合同。
The settings of product catalogue for internet users to browse or network advertising shall be considered as an invitation to offer. Chapter ⅳ is "Performance of contract of online transactions", mainly researches the problems of electronic payment. 网络卖方在网页设置商品目录供上网者浏览的行为,或网络广告,均应视为要约邀请。第四章是网上交易契约的履行,主要研究电子支付方式问题。
Such as, false advertising, excessive publicity cashback amount, malicious raise rebate threshold, artificial cashback cycle long, abuse of format contract, overlord terms, to rebate as a stunt for Internet pyramid selling activities. 诸如,虚假宣传、过度宣传返现金额,恶意提高返利门槛,人为拉长返现周期,滥用格式合同、霸王条款,以返利为噱头进行网络传销活动等。
Followed by the analysis of the role of tourism products in advertising and external issues, and designed a scenic spot ( point) on the cooperation with travel agency advertising cost-sharing contract to address the issue of external advertising. 然后分析旅游产品广告的作用和外部性问题,并设计了景区(点)与旅行社关于合作广告费用分摊的契约,以解决广告外部性问题。
Advertising Management Subsystem of The Radio Broadcasting Network, is scheduled to complete ad management, including advertising contract entry, advertising pre-hearing document, query, modify and broadcast design. So advertising is mainly used in broadcast network to produce advertising business. 广播全台网广告管理子系统,完成对广告的编排管理工作,包括广告合同的录入,广告文件的预听,查询,修改,广告播出编排等,主要用于全台制播网络中的广告管理业务。